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our booklet, which gives you an actual overview of the OshOasis experiment








Excerpt from Pan's latest book: Love is the answer

Spiritual Commune

A spiritual commune is a love affair. Love is trust and the base of devotion. A spiritual commune is a field where people can experience to trust each other unconditionally. It is a field where caring, sharing and service are a daily happening. The structure or design of such a commune is a natural expression of love where everybody devotes their energies to serving for the wellbeing of the commune. In such an atmosphere a harmonious being with each other arises naturally.
Everybody contributes his best talents to make the daily tasks easy going. So everybody has a relaxed, meaningful life. There is no need for a hierarchic structure since everybody is in a friendly relation with everybody. A spiritual commune works and plays like an organic whole together for the well-being of everybody and cares for its surroundings.
A spiritual commune is a manifestation of the heart qualities, which means caring, sharing, serving on a daily base.
The more one is centered in the heart, the more the understanding of our reality unfolds. It’s quite something to realize that our reality is a hologram. The whole universe is a simulation of universal consciousness to study itself, to learn from itself, and to expand into higher consciousness. To awaken to this reality is the participation in the evolution of consciousness consciously. Everybody and everything is part of this never-ending process, knowingly or not. In the big simulation, or hologram, the human beings project their personal hologram and get lost in it, that means in all the actions, reactions, and consequences of their own projection. That’s what in ancient days in Asia is called the illusion, Maya, Samsara.
To realize that our personality is just another hologram is absolutely liberating. The universal spirit or universal consciousness, once it lives in the human form, forgets its source. The journey of the soul or spirit is to forget and to remember. That’s why we are here to remember the source. Once one remembers the source universal consciousness can freely unfold in its most creative ways. And one becomes a vehicle in the evolution in consciousness.
Everything is connected in the core, and one with everybody and everything. Anybody who awakens to this recognition lifts consciousness to a higher frequency where endless possibilities come into the play of existence. So it’s a forever unfolding process of consciousness becoming more conscious and expanding into the limitless. The realization of all this is like zooming out of the movie and watching it from a universal point of view. Then identification with the individual or personal hologram is no more possible, since the soul or spirit remembers its source.
The good news is the evolution in consciousness cannot be stopped or hindered since universal consciousness is playing itself. In most likely many simulations on different planets in this vast universe, universal consciousness is experimenting. The human experiment here on Earth is just one of its plays.
Universal consciousness or existence is unconditional love, it loves its creation. That’s why it gives the human species all the freedom to find out what for it is existing through trial and error. It is the human fate and ripening process to get lost in its personal projections, which means the spirit falls into complete oblivion. This creates endless complications and creates suffering. Only through the awakening of the spirit, means the remembering of its origin, the suffering comes to the end. The illusion of being a separate entity, or in other words a separate hologram, is looked through and therefore transcended. Life in the form continues for some time as an embodied vehicle of universal consciousness. Taking care of the timeless and endless expansion unfolding into higher states of consciousness.
We are here to remember, and the ones who are crystallized in this remembrance are here to remind the spirit or soul of its origin and purpose, it is the highest contribution to the world we are living in.
Wherever one feels the vibration of unconditional love present in a human form and opens up to it, miracles start to happen. Synchronicity takes place. The spirit or the soul opens an eye and starts to look through the hologram which it was lost in. The transcending of the personal or individual hologram opens the space to understand and transcend the holographic universe. The greatest miracle in it is one can then live a simple, relaxed life with a lot of humor and enjoying the universal show.
The latest findings of science, especially quantum physics, prove what mystics down the ages have experienced. What mystics intuitively found out science delivers the proofs and formulas for in our days.
Existence is a dance of energy and information. It is love-consciousness dancing, playing with infinite, limitless possibilities.







Enjoy our 7-years picture compilation
showing the arising of Osho's Oasis
with beautiful music played by our talented friends...

7 years OshOasis 




This is the lovefield
where you can learn
to update and reprogram
your subconscious outdated beliefs.
In order to live a natural life.
To allow yourself to simply BE
the original unique human being

A balanced human being
enjoying the body,
enjoying the emotions,
enjoying the spirit!
Simply being happy!
Living the New Man, the New Woman!
Living an alive conscious life
in tune with the inner nature
in tune with the outer nature.
I am who I am.
You are who you are.
I love me!
I love you!
What a blessing, what a delight!


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